I’m a fan of making things easy for your audience. You should especially want things to be easy for your potential audience to subscribe.
That’s where you can use the YouTube subscription link to encourage more people to subscribe to your YouTube channel.
To configure a YouTube Subscribe or Subscription Button, Click Here.
The tool in the link above lets you configure an embedded subscription button. You can set the button's display options, preview the button, and copy the code needed to insert that button on your page.
Subscribe Button with Default Layout:
It’s really easy! Make sure that your YouTube channel has its own ID (for example, BusyBrainz Tutorials YouTube Subscription ID is UCTYe140wATiv-HOTh4HRZJg
), then replace my Channel ID in the following URL with yours. http://www.youtube.com/channel/
If your channel has Username and not random characters (your channel URL would have
in it instead of /Channels/
), then format the URL slightly differently. http://www.youtube.com/user/REPLACE_WITH_ID?sub_confirmation=1
If someone uses that link, they will be taken to your YouTube channel. If they are not already subscribed, they’ll see a front-and-center box prompting them to subscribe.
If the visitor is already subscribed to your channel, they will not see this subscription box, but will see you channel as they normally would.
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